Ertugrul Ghazi Season 2 in Urdu Episode 7 HD

Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 7 in Urdu, Hindi Dubbed

ارطغرل غازی

 بانی خلافت عثمانیہ  1190-1280 صدی عیسوی

ایمان، انصاف اور محبت کی روشنائی سے لکھی ایک بہادر جنگجو کی کہانی 
 جس نے اپنی ثابت قدمی سے نہ صرف اپنے قبیلے بلکہ تمام عالم اسلام کی تقدیر بدل ڈالی
 اغوذ ترکوں کے خانہ بدوش کائی قبیلے کو ایک ایسے وطن کی تلاش تھی جہاں ان کی نسلیں پروان چڑھ سکیں

Ertugrul Ghazi Season 2 Episode 7

Dirilis Ertugrul Ghazi 

Ertugrul Ghazi An Islamic themed drama series inspired by true events and based upon historical characters in Islam. About the heroic efforts of Ertugrul Ghazi, the father of Uthman (founder of the Ottoman Empire). It's about the struggles he faced alongside his nomadic tribe in finding a secure settlement to live, how he defended their lands and liberated other lands from oppressive rulers (Crusaders and Mongols) - full of scenes of tawakkul (reliance on Allah), honour, spiritually uplifting and emotional at times, treachery, greed for power, fairness and justice, intertwined with tales of love, humbleness, respect for Awliya, power of zikr, brotherhood, unity and traditions.

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